Categories Health

Why You Need to Switch to a Touch-Free Soap Dispenser

hands with liquid soap

Instead of installing regular holders for bar soaps, there are good reasons why you need to switch to a wall mounted soap dispenser. While it is true that different type of soap is required, all the reasons relate to how the item will improve the quality of hygiene in your home. However, one problem is that choosing one among the many options, including models, features, and prices, can be a challenging task.

a person washing hands

However, let us not forget the fact that a wall mounted dispenser is a vital component to keep your family healthy. It is how family members can access antibacterial soap liquid to clean their hands after outdoor activities or before meals. Instead of using it straight from the pouch, the dispenser proves to offer several benefits related to health. Studies mention that the dispenser can reduce the risks of bacteria up to eighty percent, making it a much safer option if you aim to have a better living standard.

Healthier People

The first benefit that you will get is improved quality of living. It includes lower risks of illnesses and less germ contamination. Statistics show that companies that do not install no-touch soap dispensers are likely to receive more sick calls from the employees. However, they can change the condition with one small act, which is to install touch-free soap dispensers. It indicates that the quality of bathroom facilities plays a vital and significant role in keeping people healthy and away from diseases. Since the containers eliminate the chance of germ contamination through skin contact, it is safe to conclude that it is a healthier and safer option for shared facilities, such as public bathrooms and sauna.

Improved Hygiene Standards

a rest roomNow, let us talk about the use of the item in domestic domains. If you keep campaigning the importance of using the dispensers in public place, you should as well start to use the containers at home. One simple logic about the statement is that if it works for larger groups of people, it will undoubtedly and effectively work for your family. Thus, it is advisable to switch to this type of soap dispenser if you aim for healthier family members.

Those who argue that the chances are lower for family members to be sick at home need to change their opinion immediately. Research finds out that germ contamination is a general case, meaning that it can happen anywhere.